Complex Divorce Experts| The Li Family Law Group

Expert Guidance, Personal Care: Navigating Complex and High-Net-Worth Divorces with Empathy.
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Skilled Attorneys Specializing in Complex Divorces: Tailored Family Legal Services for Your Unique Needs

No one walks down the aisle with a complex or high net worth divorce lawyer in mind. The unraveling of a marriage union is invariably challenging, often laden with pain and confusion. When navigating a divorce, especially one involving significant assets or intricate financial considerations, emotions can cloud clear and strategic thinking, and when children are part of the equation, the complexity multiplies.

As legal professionals specializing in both complex and high net worth divorces, we comprehend the multifaceted nature of your circumstances during such a transitional phase. It might seem unfathomable at this moment, but you will traverse this juncture. We’ve successfully guided numerous individuals in safeguarding their rights and interests, setting them on solid ground for the next chapters of their lives.

Our approach adapts to the specifics of your case. Whether initiating or responding to a divorce proceeding, our first step is always a thorough discussion to understand your objectives and requirements. Armed with this insight, we craft a bespoke strategy most suited to your unique situation, particularly in cases of complex and high net worth divorces. From there, consider us your staunchest advocate, dedicated to meticulously resolving every aspect of your divorce, encompassing:

– Child Custody
– Child Support
– Property Division, with a nuanced understanding of high-value assets

We pride ourselves on our ability to propel your case forward with efficiency, all while devising innovative solutions to navigate the intricate hurdles that inevitably emerge. In the realm of complex and high net worth divorces, foresight, expertise, and personalized care are paramount, and this is precisely what we offer.

Do You Need a Divorce Lawyer for Spousal Maintenance?

As your attorney, we will examine the facts of your circumstance to evaluate whether spousal support is warranted, and if so, what amount and duration of support are appropriate.  We will advocate for you and guide you through these complexities of the law and develop a legal approach to meet the individual needs of your case.

Doing The Right Thing Doesn’t Always Mean Following The Hardest Path

While we are very capable of taking an aggressive approach to your case, we never act as a blind advocate, attacking on every front, regardless of the cost.  Blind advocacy often leads to greater costs and is not guaranteed to amount to a successful result. In short, we won’t limit our legal options to what’s needed to “win” the case. Instead, we’ll advise you when a more tempered approach can effectively achieve your ultimate goals.

In these situations, we will actively negotiate your case with the aim of reaching an amicable settlement.  Sometimes the best form of advice is helping you weigh your potential financial and emotional costs against the benefits, to determine when to settle a case and when to pursue litigation.

Contact Experienced Divorce Litigators And Trusted Advisors The Li Family Law Group

From our Collin County office, we provide personalized, effective legal advice in all aspects of divorce, including child support, child custody, property division, spousal maintenance, as well as litigation and other divorce related legal services. Call us a call at 214-620-7001, or contact us online to arrange a confidential consultation today.


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Li Family Law Group

5601 Democracy Drive, Suite 140
Plano, Texas 75024
