What to Expect From Your Divorce Attorney

Choosing The Right Divorce Attorney Requires Thought Whether you’re the one who initiates a divorce proceeding or the spouse being served with divorce papers, it’s important to find a family law attorney who you trust. When searching for the right attorney it’s...

No Dating Websites, Social Media, or Hookers

That’s my newest mantra for new divorce clients. It sounds funny at first, and I’ve received varied reactions to the instructions, but at the end of the day, these three things can change the course of a divorce case. Dating Websites Divorce is often a long and lonely...

So you’ve decided you need a divorce, now what?

For many people, the decision of whether to divorce is an all-encompassing one. A process that hi-jacks not just your emotions but often the ability to think clearly as well. Many times spouses want the process to “just-be-over-with” once the decision to divorce is...

Divorce and Finances – 6 Tips for Women

Today, I’m sharing an article from Forbes magazine, “Six Must-Do Financial Steps for Women Facing Divorce.” This article was written by Jeff Landers of Bedrock Divorce Advisors in 2011. The advice that Mr. Landers provides is sound, relevant, and still helpful today....