Family Law Blog
Welcome to our Family Law Blog. These articles are designed to help educate current and potential clients on a variety of Family Law topics. Contact Us TodayFamily Law Blog | Li Family Law Group

How Does Adultery Affect Divorce in Texas
There are two parts to a divorce case - child custody and property division. Adultery can affect both, but it does not always affect the outcome of a case. Clients frequently ask me if they can get sole custody because their spouse has committed adultery. The answer...
Modification of Custody | Reasons a judge would change custody
After the divorce or original custody case is over, life for the parents and children usually moves on. Custody orders are designed to last a several years, but as time goes by the family’s and children’s needs may change. As changes occur, a custody order can become...
Alternative Spoliation Argument in Family Law Drug Cases
Spoliation is defined as the act of losing, altering, or destroying evidence. In 1852, the Texas Supreme Court in Cheatham v. Riddle,8 Tex. 162, 167 (1852). held that “everything is to be presumed in odium spoliatoris.” Meaning that everything is to be presumed...
What to Expect From Your Divorce Attorney
Choosing The Right Divorce Attorney Requires Thought Whether you’re the one who initiates a divorce proceeding or the spouse being served with divorce papers, it’s important to find a family law attorney who you trust. When searching for the right attorney it’s...
No Dating Websites, Social Media, or Hookers
That’s my newest mantra for new divorce clients. It sounds funny at first, and I’ve received varied reactions to the instructions, but at the end of the day, these three things can change the course of a divorce case. Dating Websites Divorce is often a long and lonely...
So you’ve decided you need a divorce, now what?
For many people, the decision of whether to divorce is an all-encompassing one. A process that hi-jacks not just your emotions but often the ability to think clearly as well. Many times spouses want the process to “just-be-over-with” once the decision to divorce is...
What To Do When Child Protective Services Comes A Knockin’
Understanding Child Protective Services (CPS) Most of us can agree that Child Protective Services (CPS) saves children from abuse and neglect, but what happens when your child has not been abused or neglected and you open your front door only to find a CPS...
Reaffirming Justice in a Child Support Enforcement
What should be done with a deadbeat parent who refuses to pay child support? I’m not talking about a parent who has fallen on hard times. I’m referring to that control-freak parent who was probably mentally and/or physically abusive during the relationship. And now...
Rachel Li Receives Board Certification in Family Law
Rachel Li Receives Board Certification in Family Law Rachel Li, attorney at Li Family Law Group, recently became board certified in Family Law. (PLANO, TX, March 1, 2020) Rachel Li recently became board certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization (TBLS) in...
Divorce and Finances – 6 Tips for Women
Today, I’m sharing an article from Forbes magazine, “Six Must-Do Financial Steps for Women Facing Divorce.” This article was written by Jeff Landers of Bedrock Divorce Advisors in 2011. The advice that Mr. Landers provides is sound, relevant, and still helpful today....
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Li Family Law Group
5601 Democracy Drive, Suite 140
Plano, Texas 75024